Wednesday 12th March 2025,
Sandeep Mann

Browsing the "Economy" Category

size sweden equivalent

Relooking Competitiveness – 2

Variations exist, but broadly competitiveness is a non-dimensional ratio of output to input. Thus it talks of efficiency as the norm; higher the efficiency, more the competitiveness. A nation that can produce more with less inputs is the winner. Assumption [...]

January 27, 2011 Blog, Competitiveness, Economy, Society
sweden high on competitiveness

Relooking Competitiveness – 1

Wish Prof Michael Porter was an equal doyen at psychology (assuming he is not) as he is at Industrial Economics. Were that to happen, competitiveness may have been defined differently. No doubt, the bonafide objective for all studies is prosperity [...]

January 26, 2011 Blog, Competitiveness, Economy, Society
States of India

States of India

Business World 05 April, 2010 Cover Story Competitiveness is basically a measure of productivity, that is, returns per rupee invested. GDP is a measure of productivity as it reflects prosperity of the state. Factors that determine or affect the same [...]

April 6, 2010 Blog, Competitiveness, Economy
Future of India

Future of India

The destiny of India can only be determined by its billion plus residents. I believe that Indians will continue to follow other people’s leads as somehow it seems to be our nature to walk down well-worn paths rather than trying [...]

February 6, 2010 Blog, Competitiveness, Economy, Politics, Society
Indian Business Culture

Indian Business Culture

a paper written in humor and not to be taken seriously Individualistic, Non-planner, Dreamer, Intuitive, Ambivalent, Nimble are the key characteristics of Indian Business Culture, epithets coined as expansions of letters of the word Indian. Business transacts in the bedrock [...]

February 4, 2010 Blog, Board Level, Competitiveness, Economy, Leadership, Politics, Society, Strategy
ad agnecy

Something Amiss

a leaf from diary of a client services director A couple of years ago, there used be fun in advertising, there used to be an element of logic to things, and there used to be a sense of professional satisfaction. [...]

June 20, 2006 Blog, Board Level, Branding-Marketing, Economy, Human Resources
winning space

Winning Space : Being Reactive Effectively

I get up and wonder what future awaits me. I know it is determined by what I have been doing over past days and years. It is also shaped by what people around me (and afar from me) have been [...]

October 3, 2005 Blog, Board Level, Economy, Leadership, Strategy
managing craetivity

Managing for Creativity

Need we discuss the import of end-result, viz. Are our Creative People performing on their peak. Naturally not; rather what concerns all of us is How To Go About It. And here are some smoothies elicited by Leaders of SAS [...]

September 20, 2005 Blog, Branding-Marketing, Economy, Human Resources