The world is changing – and many potent changes can create challenges of alarming proportions. The fabled Global Warming (its truth and untruth notwithstanding), has ramifications towards whole planet, esp. the island economies. A melting of polar icecaps can initiate complex [...]
Disconnect with nature, non-appreciation of its laws, can wreak havoc. We have experts talking of the Butterfly Effect, indicating the tenuous devious fine-balance way there is interconnectedness between various modules, systems, flora and fauna of our universe, our planet, our [...]
A typical generation is 25 years long; that makes 4 in a century, and 200 over last 5000 years. Just 200 generations! Anthropocentric arrogance on its claims to civilization. Incidentally, man came to know of “heart” as an organ with [...]
Let this century be dedicated to the invisible. This may not be the panacea of all ills challenging mankind, but shall surely take all mankind to better coping levels. And if the trends are to be seen, will-nilly this is [...]