Monday 31st March 2025,
Sandeep Mann


Here’s access to my personal treasure – am sharing some stuff I keep on delving in now and then. You too can freak out as I do, this all is what gives me a kick – sheer bliss:

There are sources I love to visit again and again. Am sharing them for your own interest and consumption, if you can reverse share your preferred ones, it would

Let me share various videos and slideshows I like/ get inspiration from

Here is a list of few databases I constantly refer to, and also contribute to. More…

Here is a share of various important news and events I track/ participate in – Kindly email any you think I could be part of and gain from / contribute to. More…

Welcome to this fantastic zone of my website – where you get to download host of valuable articles, eBooks, videos and slideshows, many of these are free, though some exclusive stuff is More…

Get deeper into these linkages.